
Today in Kharkiv, another strike by a Russian guided bomb hit a postal terminal, an ordinary civilian facility. As of now, there are reports of t…

Today in Kharkiv, another strike by a Russian guided bomb hit a postal terminal, an ordinary civilian facility. As of now, there are reports of ten injured. All are being provided with the necessary assistance. Unfortunately, one person died. My condolences to all their loved ones.

These bombs are one of the key elements of Putin’s ability to wage war. The sooner the world helps us deal with the Russian combat aircraft launching these bombs, the sooner we can strike – justifiably strike – at Russian military infrastructure, military airfields, the closer we will be to peace. Real peace.

The world has enough power to force Russia into peace. And in particular, defending the Kharkiv region from the Russian offensive, we have proven that the determination of our partners truly helps. Strikes on the Russian border areas helped protect lives. So will further decisions – the bold decisions that must be made, that we need and that we are discussing with our partners. In the coming weeks, we will continue our communication to achieve the necessary decisions.

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