
This week brought new agreements on ammunition for Ukraine, as well as funding for the production of weapons, drones, and missiles in Ukraine. Ai…

This week brought new agreements on ammunition for Ukraine, as well as funding for the production of weapons, drones, and missiles in Ukraine. Air defense remains an unwavering priority. And we continue to persuade our partners at all levels about long-range capabilities. Russia can avoid seeking peace only as much as the world avoids making strong decisions aimed at Russia’s defeat. Long-range capabilities are one of those key, strategic decisions.

I thank everyone around the world who is helping us bring these absolutely necessary steps by our partners closer. Now – for the announced steps at Ramstein, for other assistance that was agreed upon this week – I want to recognize Germany, the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Romania, Lithuania, and Latvia. Thank you all, friends!

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