
We are working to make this week really productive in terms of relations with our partners. Today I held a meeting with the foreign policy team o…

We are working to make this week really productive in terms of relations with our partners.

Today I held a meeting with the foreign policy team of the Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We need strong decisions from our partners that will allow us to put this war on a course to its just conclusion. And I thank everyone who shows appropriate leadership. Honest leadership.

I also signed a decree today that enacts the National Security and Defense Council’s decision on the new Maritime Security Strategy of Ukraine. This document takes into account the security changes and innovations that we have ensured, particularly in the Black Sea, in the development of our forces. This is a modern strategy, and we will implement it together with our partners. In the near future, I am going to discuss the details of this Strategy with them. With those who, like us, want stable security for their regions and for the entire world.

I thank everyone who is helping! I also thank all employees of our state institutions, our warriors, our special services and all representatives of Ukrainian civil society who were involved in the preparation of the Strategy.

Glory to our people! Glory to Ukraine!

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