
Today, we are working in two regions, in communities. The Kharkiv region at first, and now we are in the Poltava region. Today we were with the t…

Today, we are working in two regions, in communities. The Kharkiv region at first, and now we are in the Poltava region.

Today we were with the team in the town of Derhachi in the Kharkiv region – and what is important is that this is one of the good examples of how we have started to restore normal life. I am grateful to all those involved in rebuilding homes, supporting people, saving jobs and businesses in the Kharkiv region and in all our regions.

I held a meeting in Kharkiv to discuss security and energy issues first of all. Energy is always one of the top priorities. We understand how the electricity deficit will be gradually eliminated step by step. Government officials were given clear tasks, and their responsibility is personal.

And then there was the Poltava region. Meetings with entrepreneurs and workers in the framework of the Made in Ukraine platform. Including defense industries. There are many business initiatives, companies’ willingness to work for the state and offer new products. We will support all this and increase government orders.

I am grateful to everyone who strengthens Ukraine! I am grateful to everyone who defends Ukrainian interests – the interests of our country and people!
Glory to Ukraine!

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