
Today I held a meeting of the Staff. Commander-in-Chief Syrskyi and Chief of the General Staff Barhylevych delivered reports on the front – our …

Today I held a meeting of the Staff. Commander-in-Chief Syrskyi and Chief of the General Staff Barhylevych delivered reports on the front – our actions, our steps, and the real situation with the occupier’s intentions and capabilities.

Our task is to ensure by all means and with all our strength the constant effective destruction of Russian troops, their logistics and their important positions not only directly on the frontline, but also in all available depths. Available to our long-range capability. We are working with our partners to increase this level of defense. But while we are waiting for our partners’ decisions, we are looking for our own solutions, our own options.

In this case, the key is our drones, our flexibility in the use of drones. Ukrainian warriors have already proven to be real innovators in many areas of drone use. And it is worth continuing, and we will continue this. I am grateful to everyone who helps with this – those who produce drones, those who supply them, those who train drone operators and those who generally promote this issue. Ukrainian leadership in this technological aspect, it is really tangible.

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