
? We have good news. Another 116 Ukrainians were released from Russian captivity. Of them, 114 are privates and sergeants, and two are officers. So…

We have good news. Another 116 Ukrainians were released from Russian captivity.
Of them, 114 are privates and sergeants, and two are officers.
Soldiers of our army, the National Guard, territorial defense, Navy, border guards, and the State Emergency Service.
We are constantly working to bring home all our people held in Russian captivity. And I’m happy every time it succeeds.

Since February 24, our team has managed to return totally 1,762 Ukrainian men and women from Russian captivity. I also thank all those involved in helping these people after their return.

Today, I signed the relevant documents to take another step to protect and cleanse our state from those on the side of the aggressor.
There is a request from the Security Service regarding persons with records that they have Russian citizenship.

Tomorrow, another legal step will be taken to implement the sanctions decisions of the NSDC.
And we are working to synchronize our sanctions decisions with partner jurisdictions. The enemies of the free world have no right to use the free world for their own interests.

Glory to all our soldiers! Thanks to everyone who helps!
Glory to Ukraine!

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