
Many leaders, representatives of states and international organizations, as well as civil society leaders, expressed solidarity with Ukraine and …

Many leaders, representatives of states and international organizations, as well as civil society leaders, expressed solidarity with Ukraine and Kharkiv and condemned Russian terror.

It is important that such condemnation results in fair consequences. To finally receive a sufficient number of air defense systems to protect Ukraine and our cities. For partners to demonstrate sufficient decisiveness to support preemptive protection against Russian terrorists. A type of protection that would be provided against any terrorists who would be hit and destroyed before they could begin to destroy life.

We can see every point where Russian troops are concentrated. We know all areas from which Russian missiles are launched and combat aircraft take off.

Destroying this terrorist force, saving thousands of lives, and ensuring that the war does not expand, is entirely a political decision. The decision that must be made.

I thank everyone who supports us in this regard. We will also work with partners to accelerate and expand F-16 deliveries to Ukraine. This, too, will improve protection against terror attacks on our cities and Russian army pressure on the front lines.

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