
I would like to mention several meetings today. First, we are specifying our further work with partners for this month and the following month, u…

I would like to mention several meetings today.

First, we are specifying our further work with partners for this month and the following month, until the end of February. Ukraine should and will be on the world’s agenda. We are preparing the necessary negotiations and documents.

The second meeting concerned Russian assets frozen in various jurisdictions that should be used for protection against Russian aggression. We are shoring up our position – the position of justice.

And third. Today, government officials met with representatives of Ukrainian business. The discussion was not an easy one. There are some serious issues. There are real difficulties. I have familiarized myself with the details and asked to do the necessary groundwork to ensure that all complications between government officials, business, and law enforcers are resolved. Everyone can have their own opinion, yes, but in times of war we all have to be united by one task – the strength of Ukraine, the strength of our society and our economy. All the developments will be presented at the National Security and Defense Council.

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