
I held a meeting of the Staff in a new expanded format. The Commander-in-Chief and the direction commanders reported, there were reports directly…

I held a meeting of the Staff in a new expanded format. The Commander-in-Chief and the direction commanders reported, there were reports directly from the front.

We are leveling the situation, doing everything to prepare OUR actions for the near future.

The Commander-in-Chief reported on the overall situation at the front, with a special emphasis on mobilization, specifics on how and what is being done.

I heard detailed reports on each combat position, each hottest area.
General Syrskyi reported on the Bakhmut direction, Khortytsia operational and strategic group of troops. How we are defending our positions, strengthening this particular direction and how much enemy forces we are eliminating.
General Sodal reported on the Vuhledar direction, Donetsk operational and tactical group. The situation is difficult. We are fighting. We are breaking the invader and inflicting extremely tangible losses on Russia.

I repeat: the more Russia loses there, the sooner we can end this war with Ukraine’s victory.
I heard a report on the situation in the south. In particular, General Hnatov reported on the Odesa direction. The situation is unchanged, we are controlling all potential prospects.

General Tarnavsky reported on the results of the defense of Tavria operational and strategic group of troops. Thanks to all our warriors who are defending Zaporizhzhia and this entire area!
The northern direction, Kyiv, is a must. There was a report by General Nayev. He reported that the situation is completely under control. As well as along the entire northern border.

The Minister of the Interior reported on forming new Offensive Guard brigades. Great results. A very useful experience showing how people can and should be motivated.
I will continue this format of work both at the Staff and in informing on defense management. I want our people to know and understand what we prepare and control, and how we do that.

Glory to Ukraine! ????????????????????????

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