
The terrorist state must feel what war is. We are working to ensure that as many Russian military facilities, logistics hubs, and critical compon…

The terrorist state must feel what war is. We are working to ensure that as many Russian military facilities, logistics hubs, and critical components of their war economy as possible fall within the reach of our weapons. 

Currently, our drones are making this possible, and I thank everyone in Ukraine who is involved in developing and producing drones, as well as those working on our missile program. I also extend my gratitude to our state’s foreign policy team, who are persuading our partners that long-range capabilities are key to ending this war. 

With our drones and missiles, we can accomplish part of the missions. But true peace – a real end to this war – is a complex task. To force Russia into peace, to move them from deceitful rhetoric about negotiations to taking steps to end the war, to clear our land of occupation and occupiers, we need effective tools.

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