
Just now, the Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service delivered a report. A clear range of issues – about the threats we face and the opportuni…

Just now, the Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service delivered a report. A clear range of issues – about the threats we face and the opportunities we can seize. There are some good prospects.

The Prime Minister reported on defensive measures for energy facilities: active defense, electronic warfare and everything else. He also reported on reconstruction and our work with European partners to expand electricity imports to Ukraine. We are now consuming the full volume of imports agreed with the EU, and I am grateful to all our neighbors for this assistance. We are doing our best to increase imports, and this should be a European decision. Our Government officials are working on the respective approval.

I have also instructed the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, who is currently visiting the United States, to seek specific dates: when the additional Patriot systems, the ones we have agreed with our partners, will be delivered.

I thank everyone who really works hard for Ukraine and Ukrainians! I thank everyone who believes in Ukraine, who brings the results Ukraine needs closer!

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