
Yesterday, in the Kharkiv sector, Iryna Tsybukh, a combat medic of the Hospitallers, was killed in the war. She was one of those who not only def…

Yesterday, in the Kharkiv sector, Iryna Tsybukh, a combat medic of the Hospitallers, was killed in the war. She was one of those who not only defended the state, but also did everything to ensure that others joined, trained and learned to be effective. In matters of both frontline medicine, and respect for Ukrainian warriors – in matters of memorializing the feat of Ukrainians. My condolences to all of Iryna’s brothers-in-arms and friends, all of her loved ones, everyone who knew her, and everyone she inspired to fight for Ukraine and achieve results for Ukraine. It is very important that her work and the efforts of all our fallen heroes continue.

May the memory of all those who gave their lives for the sake of Ukraine be eternal and blessed! I thank everyone in the world who cares and does everything possible to ensure that Russian evil leaves Ukrainian land as soon as possible.

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