
We are preparing for international work in the coming weeks. We need even more activity for our collective strength. Not only for Ukraine and Ukr…

We are preparing for international work in the coming weeks. We need even more activity for our collective strength. Not only for Ukraine and Ukrainians, not only for Europe, but for all those in the world who strive for stability and value human life. There will be corresponding formats of work, and details are being prepared for new support packages for Ukraine.

And the main news today – the news we have all been eagerly anticipating. The news for which we have been working for months on various levels. Here is the result – two more air defense systems have arrived in Ukraine. All the details, of course, should not be discussed in public. But these are systems capable of intercepting anything. We will defend the regions. While the systems are still insufficient for the complete protection of Ukraine, we work towards this goal every day.

I am grateful to everyone who is helping Ukraine! Grateful to everyone strengthening Ukraine! I am thankful to each and every one fighting and working for Ukraine to win!
Glory to Ukraine!

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