
It was a very important visit to Washington, with very significant results. I met with President Biden and his team. There is a new defense packa…

It was a very important visit to Washington, with very significant results.

I met with President Biden and his team. There is a new defense package: air defense, artillery, shells, engineering equipment.
There is also a long-term agreement – we will work together for Ukraine to produce the necessary weapons together with the United States.

This is a new level of our unity! Co-production in the defense industry with the United States is a historic thing. A new industrial base, new jobs for both our nations. In particular, Ukraine will be able to produce air defense systems. We are preparing to create a new defense ecosystem together with the United States to produce weapons to further reinforce freedom and the protection of life together.

This will yield global positive results. Thank you, Mr. President Biden!

I thank the Congress – both parties, both houses. Today, I started my day in the American capital with the Congress – with very frank, detailed conversations. I felt trust – trust that is always the basis of unity. There were clear, straightforward questions from members of the House of Representatives and senators. There were straightforward answers.

There were meetings today at the Pentagon as well – important conversations about defense support.

We keep working to strengthen Ukraine. Thank you to everyone who helps us! Glory to all our warriors!
We will definitely prevail!
Glory to Ukraine!

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