
Tomorrow, on the day of the opening of the summit, which is now unimaginable without Ukraine, will be the 503rd day of a full-scale war. This say…

Tomorrow, on the day of the opening of the summit, which is now unimaginable without Ukraine, will be the 503rd day of a full-scale war. This says a lot about our strength – the strength of the Ukrainian people, who, in the face of such a war, after so many battles and days, has the strength without which the security of Europe is simply impossible to imagine already.

I thank you, Ukrainian warriors, for this strength! I thank every soldier, sailor, sergeant, foreman, officer, and general! I thank everyone who trains our warriors! I thank every volunteer! I thank the doctors who help after the wounds! I thank all our people who work for the sake of Ukrainian strength and Ukrainian victory!

It is an honor for me to represent such people and such Ukraine!
Glory to Ukraine!

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