
The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant of arrest for Putin. The historic decision, from which historical responsibility will begin…

The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant of arrest for Putin.
The historic decision, from which historical responsibility will begin.

The head of the terrorist state and another Russian official have officially become suspects in a war crime. The deportation of Ukrainian children – the illegal transfer of thousands of our children to the territory of the terrorist state.

It would be impossible to commit such a criminal operation without the order of the top leader of the terrorist state. Separating children from their families, depriving them of any opportunity to contact their relatives, hiding children on the territory of Russia, throw them in remote regions – all this is an obvious state policy of Russia, state decisions and state evil. Which begins precisely with the top official of this state.

I am grateful to the team of Prosecutor Karim Khan and the International Criminal Court, everyone in the world who is helping us in the fight for justice. I am grateful for integrity and willingness to really bring to justice those who are guilty.

Glory to all who are now fighting for Ukraine! Glory to everyone who helps us protect our people!


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