
? There is no such thing as neutrality when a war like this is going on. And we know how often tyrannies try to use sports for their ideological in…

There is no such thing as neutrality when a war like this is going on. And we know how often tyrannies try to use sports for their ideological interests.

It is obvious that any neutral flag of Russian athletes is stained with blood.

One cannot but be disappointed by the statements of the current President of the International Olympic Committee. I spoke with him several times and never heard how he is going to protect sports from war propaganda if he returns Russian athletes to international competitions.

We will do everything to ensure that the world protects sports from political and any other influence of the terrorist state, which is simply inevitable if Russian athletes participate in competitions.
And especially – at the Paris Olympics.

Ukrainian athletes are forced to defend the lives of their loved ones and the freedom of our people from Russian aggression. Russian strikes took the lives of hundreds and hundreds of Ukrainian men and women who could bring their talents to world sports.

I invite Mr. Bach to Bakhmut. So that he could see with his own eyes that neutrality does not exist.

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